Thursday, May 13, 2010

I have returned!

Well, I really didn't go anywhere. But I had a stressful job and I didn't feel comfortable discussing my professional life on the internet while in that job.

I have a new job now and I'm back to blogging about community news/media issues and I'm feeling better than ever.

There is something I want to talk to all the young (and not-so-young) professionals out there about: stressful jobs.

I had a stressful job. I hated it. For many reasons that I don't feel it would be fair to go into detail about on the Internet.

But here is what I learned: stressful jobs don't get better, they get worse. And stress kills. So, ask yourself, "is this job worth my life?"

If the answer is yes, then keep calm and carry on. If the answer is no, find a better situation, somewhere, anywhere.

I was able to find a wonderful new position at a great company, with better benefits, a flexible work schedule and the freedom to work on stories at my own pace. I didn't even have to move, although the commute is a bit longer.

For those keeping track, I'm the new city reporter for the Westlake Picayune. I cover the cities of Rollingwood and West Lake Hills. And I love it here. I'm so happy I could break out into song. But I won't because my singing has been compared to the sound of a drowning cat.

So for those slaving away in stressful jobs they hate: if I can get out, you can get out too. It's not too late! Just start looking and don't let anyone stop you!

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